Elavo Toilet Seat Sanitizer Spray : Review
Written by: Swati on:
Up today is a product I have had since a long time with me. I have no idea why I never got down to sharing it here :/ I am about to be on the move in a few days and I was just going through my stash deciding the stuff I need to take and I realised that this little can should be up on the blog too!
It is such a handy thing to have and I think it is a must buy if you come across it anywhere. Elavo Toilet Seat Sanitizer Spray.
Now, I am sure I do not need to give a big talk about hygiene here, you know well enough how the state of most public restrooms are in the country and even if it looks clean there will be a tiny portion of our mind that does wonder otherwise.
Enter this sleek can. It can be easily carried around in the handbag and during travels. It can be used on the toilet seats and other surfaces too.
It is avaible in 3 variants : Limee, Fresca and Clinica.
A 75 ml can costs 99 INR (not too much pay for insuring hygiene).
It isn't that easily available but you can find it online (or similar products online) and in Health & Glow outlets.
There is nothing not to like about this product. I carry it around in the handbag almost always when I am out. I am not too paranoid about germs but keeping this can around is just good sense. What say?
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