Happy International Women's Day!!!
Written by: Smriti on:
Hey hey hey!
Beauties like the sunshine, leaders of the world, here's wishing all the womenfolk a day filled with ultimate strength and joy :)
This post is inspired by today's Google Doodle with its theme of 'Make it Happen'. I loved seeing women artfully portrayed in high-achieving roles which were once dominated solely by men.
How far we have come in our struggle to be acknowledged as equals! How far from tending to the hearth to running the economics of our civilization! This is the magic of womanhood; we're born with the skill to multi-task efficiently, the emotional capacity to bend but not break.
It's sad to think then that in our country, the social and psychological stereotyping for begins when a girl child draws her first breath. And it continues as we grow, with girls being moulded into being docile. For us the world is flat, and venturing too far will result in falling off its edge.
Today, the UN has adopted the theme Empowering Women - Empowering Humanity : Picture It!
Do your bit to help the women in your life, lead them on, show your solidarity. Let no one tell you that you are unfit because of the way your chromosomes are.
We are women. This is our day. Seize it, celebrate it! We at C&D wish that your sunny and enthusiastic spirit remains unstoppable, always :)
Swati & Smriti
Beauties like the sunshine, leaders of the world, here's wishing all the womenfolk a day filled with ultimate strength and joy :)
This post is inspired by today's Google Doodle with its theme of 'Make it Happen'. I loved seeing women artfully portrayed in high-achieving roles which were once dominated solely by men.
How far we have come in our struggle to be acknowledged as equals! How far from tending to the hearth to running the economics of our civilization! This is the magic of womanhood; we're born with the skill to multi-task efficiently, the emotional capacity to bend but not break.
It's sad to think then that in our country, the social and psychological stereotyping for begins when a girl child draws her first breath. And it continues as we grow, with girls being moulded into being docile. For us the world is flat, and venturing too far will result in falling off its edge.
Today, the UN has adopted the theme Empowering Women - Empowering Humanity : Picture It!
Do your bit to help the women in your life, lead them on, show your solidarity. Let no one tell you that you are unfit because of the way your chromosomes are.
We are women. This is our day. Seize it, celebrate it! We at C&D wish that your sunny and enthusiastic spirit remains unstoppable, always :)
Swati & Smriti
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