Ustraa Shower gel, Brain Freeze : Review

Written by: Swati on:

Ustraa, a flagship brand of the e-commerce venture Happily Unmarried might have just figured out the sweet spot between nostalgia, everyday luxury and essential male grooming.

I ordered the shower gel along with the shaving cream on my first visit to the website, which in itself a testimonial to their great implementation of their marketing campaign. This is available in a 200 ml
bottle and comes in a strong plastic bottle which has a very 90’s feel to it and sure to remind you of the old cough syrup bottles.

Ustraa Shower gel, Ustraa Shower gel review, Ustraa Shower gel brain freeze review

For the sake of full disclosure, I must admit that I’m not a great fan of musky or strong aromas in the
mornings and prefer something more cooling.  This spearmint flavored gel fits the requirements
perfectly. This is also available in 2 other variants for those who don’t want to feel smothered in a
bubblegum aroma.

Unlike other similar products in the market, laced with a spearmint bubblegum aroma, this does not 
leave the skin dry and flaky and in need of heavy dollops of moisturizers. It leaves you feeling refreshed and cool well after the mission’s been accomplished. This gel whips up a generous amount of lather and does not leave you feeling soapy after a bath.

Priced at Rs. 299 /- for a 200 ml bottle this is definitely on the higher end considering the fact that the formulation is more akin to liquid soap rather than a gel and you will have to accommodate generous amounts for a great shower.

Would I order it again ? Most definitely Yes.

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