Chirstmas Nail Art! (Part 1)
Written by: Swati on:
It is the holiday season finally! I just can't wait for the festivites to begin! (Smriti is coming home and so are some relatives.. it will be so much fun!) Aren't you excited for Christmas and the New year too?
So, embracing the holiday spirit I flaunted some nail art over the last few weeks.. Now I am not a pro (there were some fabulous ones I just couldn't do..), but I did find some designs which were not that difficult.
Here are a few which I loved:
1) Candy Cane Mani:
If you like nail art and it's Christmas, you just have to try candy cane nails! It's quick, simple and cute. You can vary the thickness of the stripes. I used a white base and did red stripes (you can do the opposite too). Let the coats dry else you will end up with pink instead of white. Add some silver for some sublte bling.
2) The Santa Mani:
I did this last year too for Christmas.. it looks so so cute! I had to do it again but no I won't have it on my nails on the 25th again..You can see last years mani here :)
3) Santa Caps:
Had done them for my roomie last year but she can't keep still and destroyed it before I could take some pics. Super simple to do!
4) Chirstmas Polka Dots:
Yes, I know these are simple polka dots, but do them in red and white and they become somewhat Christmas-y. Use the back of a toothpick to make the dots! :)
There are so many amazing designs out there which you can try. I will share a few more I attempted soon What do you think? Which was your favourite in these? Would you flaunt some holiday nail art this season?
(Update: check out some more designs HERE)
(I do not own any of the designs shown here.. these are just my attempts at the ones I liked).
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