Beardo - Mustache Beard Wax, Fragrance Oil, Beard Wash : Review
Written by: Swati on:
I’s the end of November, and also, hopefully, to the
craziness that it entails with No Shave November and Movember and a ton of
other #hashtags abounding on social media with men and women going gaga over
all sorts of facial hair.
Well we at Curios & Dreams thought to put the facts out
and in the process do a brand review as well.
No-Shave November started out as a campaign to grow
awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting
it grow wild and free.
It also, most importantly, entails the donating of the money
that one would typically spend on shaving and grooming in a month to educate
about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle. Movember began in Australia in 2003 to raise awareness for prostate
and testicular cancers and in 2013 it raised nearly $20 million for the same.
Now that you guys have been suitably enlightened as to why
you were suddenly pressured to grow out your facial hair, go donate and get a
thorough check up done if nothing else.
Luckily, Beardo sent us a host of exciting and great
products for us to tide over “Movember” and, if you do decide to keep the
foliage on post that, a range of solutions which will help you looing dapper
and rock the retro look as it was intended to.
In the mail, was a box containing a beard and mooch wash, a
styling wax and a beard and hair fragrance oil.
If you’ve not been taking care of your outgrowths properly,
do not expect the wash to magically take effect in the 1st wash
itself, it will take 3-4 proper washes for you to really feel your beard and
mooch become healthier.
The wax does what it is meant to, and gives a nice hard
style which stays for long hours.
Point to note here would be the amount you would ideally
like to apply. Be attentive to the styling needs of your beard and mooch.
The fragrance oil, works really nice for the crop on the top
of your head as well as on your face for more of a daily use regime. Again,
this product works wonderfully well with a small amount as well and you
wouldn’t want to have too much of it because at the end of the day, it is an
Finally, I take great pleasure in introducing to you, Mr. Dara Singh. He works as a doorman in a nearby restaurant and the two most arresting things about him are his fantastic mooch, featured here, which is exactly how you should be doing Movember btw and is the REAL, 100% authentic #beardgoals, and his most serene gentle smile
He was kind enough to try out some of the Beardo products
for us, as we sincerely felt that he would be the ideal person to be the judge
and he gives an 7.5/10 to the brand and its usefulness.
Now that you know why you grew that Mooch and beard and you
also know how to take care of them, go ahead and do it Gentlemen.
You’ve been enlightened!
* Disclaimer: Product provided by the brand for review. The opinions expressed here are our own and honest. Links in the post are for information only.
* Disclaimer: Product provided by the brand for review. The opinions expressed here are our own and honest. Links in the post are for information only.
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